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The Special Working Group for circular economy within the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, has developed A Road Map for Circular Economy in Serbia, an important document that sets guidelines for the transition towards circular economy. Serbia is the first country in the region to prepare such document.

The basic goal of circular economy (CE) is the transition towards sustainable use of resources and prevention and reduction of waste, emission and energy consumption. This new business philosophy is broadly accepted by both economic actors and decision makers, and the goal of the Road map is instigating dialogue among all interested parties on new circular business models and new (green) jobs ensuring at the same time protection of the environment.

The German Development Cooperation Project “Climate Sensitive Waste Management (DKTI)” implemented by the GIZ, has supported the establishment of the Special Working Group for circular economy as a national intersectoral body. At the same time, the GIZ Project representatives, as its members, have been participating, in the activities of the Working Group. They have provided their contribution in defining the concept as well as initial inputs for the development of the Road Map for Circular Economy in Serbia during the two-day workshop held in September 2019.

The “Road Map” is accompanied by a communication plan that contains measures to raise public awareness for CE. The aim is to inform and involve as many actors as possible and thus achieve a broader social consensus for the implementation of the “Road Map”. This Road Map, presents significant document which in line with the European Union commitment towards green growth and circular economy and newly adopted European Commission’s documents – the Green Deal (adopted in December 2019) and new Circular Economy Action Plan (adopted in March this year). We believe that the Road Map will serve for further development of new ideas and projects for the successful implementation of the CE concept in Serbia.

The Road Map for Circular Economy in Serbia is available here (English version currently in preparation).

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