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“EU for Cultural Heritage and Tourism” project published a Call for Proposals for a grant scheme for local self-governments whose goal is to foster cooperation among public authorities at the local level and improve tourism offer and infrastructure, which should result in an upgraded and more coordinated tourist offer of the region, a higher quality level of services and a better visibility of the region and its sites.

The Call is open until 22 November 2021 and its budget is EUR 700,000.00.

The value of the grant requested can range from EUR 50,000.00 up to EUR 100,000.00. Self-contribution is minimum 20% of the amount requested, and maximum 49% of the total value of the project. Applicants may submit a maximum of two applications within the grant scheme.

The lead applicants eligible for the Call are the Municipalities of Golubac, Kladovo, Majdanpek, Negotin, Požarevac, Smederevo, Veliko Gradište and Zaječar, which is the territory covered by the project.

Partner(s) of the lead applicants eligible for the Call may be:

  • Municipalities or other public institutions
  • Tourist organisations at the local level
  • National parks and/or protected nature sites
  • Associations of producers and tourism providers
  • Cultural institutions
  • Publicly owned organisations mandated to take care of tourist/cultural sites.

Other organizations may be involved in the action:

Associates – participate in the implementation of the action but cannot receive funding from the grant, with the exception of per diem or travel costs. Associates do not need to meet the eligibility criteria.

Contractors – the grant beneficiaries are permitted to award contracts.

#EUforYou – ‘EU for Cultural Heritage and Tourism’ is a project aimed at developing tourism as a significant potential for economic development of Eastern Serbia and Lower Danube region. It is funded by the European Union and German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit  (GIZ) GmbH. More information about the project, as well as complete information about the Call can be found on

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