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The project “Strengthening  cross-border enforcement of judgments”  financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Open Regional Funds for South East Europe-Legal Reform in cooperation with the International Union of Judicial Officers (UIHJ) is announcing a call for trainers to take part in the Train-the-Trainer Programme (ToT) on enforcement law for private enforcement agents.

  • The Train-the-Trainer Programme
    • Objective: to develop a sustainable training programme for private enforcement agents in order to improve cross border enforcement and to develop a core group of trainers for the South Eastern Europe region. It will be dedicated to applying an instructional methodology for adult learning, developing presentation and facilitation skills, designing training courses, curriculum development and preparing course material.
    • Expected Timing of Train-the-Trainer Programme: January – October 2021.
  • Duration of complete programme: 12 days, divided into 3 training sessions of 4 days each and written assignments in between the sessions with estimated preparation time between sessions 10 to 20 hrs.
    • Tentatively periods of the ToT sessions: 4 working days in January 2021 (the first ToT session which will be organised online), 4 working days in April 2021 (the second ToT session), 4 working days in September 2021 (the third session). Participants are expected to follow all sessions. A minimum of 85% attendance is necessary for completion and certification.
    • Benefits of the certification: Possibility for conducting trainings at the request of the representatives of the respective professional organizations.
    • Graduating trainers will be certified by the International Union of Enforcement Officers (UIHJ) and will be able to hold trainings in the South East European countries.
  • Requirements to candidates:
    • Subject-matter Expertise: candidates for trainer are recognized as experts in the field of enforcement legal knowledge, enforcement practice, cross-border enforcement etc. and viewed by peers and superiors as someone who performs excellently and has a solid conceptual and organizational understanding of the functioning of the enforcement system in a national and international context;
    • Language Proficiency: An excellent command of written and spoken English language is required. The training will be conducted in English.
    • Motivation: pursue the objective of developing structured training programme/s for enforcement agents and other target groups, increasing their competences and professionalism; motivated by the opportunity to contribute to the professional development of colleagues and enhancing cross-border cooperation, improving the overall functioning of the enforcement of judgments in Europe;
    • Commitment and Dedication are passionate and committed to delivering trainings on the identified areas of Enforcement Law; candidates recognize the intensity of the ToT Programme and the need to contribute personal time to complete the assignments under the ToT Programme; they are available to complete the ToT programme;
    • Credibility: perceived as a professional and has a high ethical and moral standings and a respected and positive public image.
    • Personal Traits: aligned with the desirable personal characteristics: dynamic, driven, open for cooperation and learning new things.
  • Mandatory documents
    • Motivation letter, including indicated commitment to attend ToT Programme
    • CV in Europeaid format

Candidates are requested to send their application to

  • Deadline for application: 30 December 2020
  • End of the selection process: 11 January 2021

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