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The Certificate Award Ceremony for the participants of The First Legal Clinic on Administrative Law was held at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade.

One way of strengthening the capacities of the Administrative Court is to build capacities of law faculties in Serbia to produce legal experts in the field of administrative law and administrative dispute, who will be the backbone not only of the Administrative Court, but also be able to better understand the specific of administrative law while working in basic or higher courts or prosecution offices.

It is important to enable the law faculties to offer further training in this specific field of law, reviewing administrative decisions in timely manner and enabling citizens to complain against state administration is considered as crucial elements of rule of law and democratization. To achieve this, German Development Cooperation supported three law faculties, Belgrade Law Faculty being one of them, to introduce legal clinic on administrative law for senior students. This should enable them to acquire practical knowledge and skills in this field and apply the acquired knowledge through different forms of practical work, including solving the given legal problems and hypothetical cases, writing submissions and legal acts, simulating administrative procedure and administrative dispute – gaining in this way the skills necessary for their future independent work.

“Fostering cooperation between the Administrative Court and the Faculty of Law is crucial in the reform of the Administrative Court, and we are happy to be able to support our partner in this important journey”, stated Mr. Carsten Meyer-Wiefhausen, Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Serbia and congratulated all the students of the first generation of the legal clinic on administrative law, as well as their lecturers on the successful implementation of this project.

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