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Two new online training courses have been made available on the platform of the National Academy of Public Administration, and a career counselling guide for civil servants can be downloaded from the website of the Human Resources Management Service. This material was developed with the support of the project Support to Public Administration Reform in the EU Accession Process, implemented by GIZ.

The training course: Methods and Techniques of Personnel Selection provides civil servants with the opportunity to sharpen their knowledge of how to check the competencies of candidates in the selection procedure through video and written lessons and tests. This training is designed by Aleksandra Stanković, head of the Personnel Selection Department at the Human Resources Management Service.

The second training course, entitled Regulations and Procedures for Hiring Civil Servants, brings participants solutions to the most common dilemmas they face in filling vacancies in state bodies according to the competencies of candidates. In eight thematic units, the educational material provides answers to many questions, including how a public and an internal competition work, how to fill a vacancy and how principles of anti-discrimination are applied in the selection process. The material can be accessed at any time.

The author of this course is Dragana Janković, Assistant Director of the Human Resources Management Service, a body tasked with encouraging the development of career management for civil servants. In order to bring clarity and structure to this area, the manual: Guide to Career Counselling and Career Planning for Civil Servants has been developed. It is intended for civil servants who wish to manage their careers more actively and for all those who are interested in learning more in the field of human resources.

Through the project Support to Public Administration Reform in the EU Accession Process, GIZ supports the professionalization of the human resources management system in the public administration because modern and efficient public administration primarily benefits Serbian citizens and economy.

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