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The German Organization for International Co-operation – GIZ within the project ”  Inclusion Initiative 3″,  in partnership with The Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SKGO) announced a Public Call  for the selection of 10 local self-governments which will receive support for the implementation of projects proposals for  innovative and sustainable solutions for the employment of hard-to-employ individuals. The total amount available under the Call for Project proposals is 1.000.000 euros, and the maximum amount of grants for individual project is 100.000 euros.

The official presentation of the Public Call was held online, with more the 130 participants and it was noted that the project should contribute to raising awareness and sensitivity of local communities to the needs and problems faced by these categories of unemployed.

Djordje Stanicic, Secretary general of the SCTM, stated that through various activities in the Inclusion initiative 1 and 2, conditions have been created for the employment of more than 500 returnees from EU countries, Roma and other marginalised social groups.

„Due to the good results achieved, implementation of the Inclusion Initiative 3 continues under the Programme „Inclusion of Roma and other marginalized groups in Serbia”, despite the challenges caused by the COVID 19 pandemic,” Stanicic said.

Christian Schilling, Head of development cooperation at the Ambassy of Germany stated:

“The program “Inclusion of Roma and other marginalised groups in Serbia” has a high level of political attention and is therefore one of our key priorities for development cooperation. Based on the lessons learned in implementation of first and second phases of Inclusion Initiative, we hope for good proposals from Local self-governments. We especially appreciate efforts of local communities for proactive approaches in social inclusion, proposing jointly with employment promotion measures: antidiscrimination, increased participation, and better understanding of the needs of beneficiaries by local civil servants and employers from Small and Medium enterprises. This cooperation is essential for the success of the project, as we only through joint efforts can meet the very big challenges in the future together. “

Zoran Antic, State secretary at the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, thanked German development co-operation for the opportunity to have continuity in   support for the most vulnerable persons at the labour market.

“The purpose of this project is completely in line with the strategic goals of the Ministry, based on the stakeholder’s cooperation at national and local level. The national employment policy is based on the opportunity for dignified work for all, on equal terms, and is based on the ministry’s strategy for the coming period.” Antic said.

The project proposals submitted as part of this call must be harmonised with national and local strategic documents and are intended to create new opportunities for employing returnees from EU countries, Roma and other marginalised social groups. The invitation to submit proposals is officially opened from 13 April – 05 May.

The first phase of the project ” Inclusion Initiative ” provided support to project teams in seven towns and municipalities (Požarevac, Arilje, Sokobanja, Kučevo, Novi Pazar, Bečej and Mladenovac), and in the second phase nine towns and municipalities (Valjevo, Požarevac, Sombor, Vršac, Bach, Apatin, Kraljevo, Raška and Novi Pazar) were supported.

The project ” Inclusion Initiative 3″ is being implemented by the SCTM and is part of the  German Development Cooperation Programme “Inclusion of Roma and Other Marginalized Groups in Serbia” implemented by GIZ, in partnership with the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue.

Foto rights/foto prava: SKGO

Foto rights/foto prava: SKGO

Foto rights/foto prava: SKGO

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