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Administrative acts issued by the administrative authorities have an all-pervading impact on the daily lives of citizens, which is why it is important that there is a possibility to control the acts that affect their rights, freedoms, or interests.

At the round table on the topic of postponement of execution of administrative acts, the need and implications of temporary postponement of the application of decisions issued by the administrative body were discussed. Administrative bodies, as the main link between citizens and the state, have the task of determining rights, powers, duties and responsibilities. By postponing the execution of an administrative act, the parties are protected from any damage they could suffer, if at the end of the administrative dispute it turns out that the disputed administrative act is illegal, but at the same time the state is also protected from all harmful consequences that could occur due to the illegal work of the administrative authorities. Given the simultaneous importance of protecting the interests of the parties and the public interest, the institute of delaying the execution of an administrative act in an administrative dispute must provide a balance between these two types of interests.

The round table – “The postponement execution – instrument for the protection of private and public interest” is the second of the planned four round tables within the program “Towards more efficient administrative justice in Serbia”, which is implemented together by the Ministry of Justice implemented and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) through the project “Strengthening Rule of Law in Serbia”, which aims to improve the capacity of the Administrative Court.

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