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The Corona virus pandemic has particularly affected micro, small and medium-sized companies (MSMEs), as sales and business have been reduced to limited-time work and employees need to be directed to work from home wherever possible. Many companies are not ready to redirect their core business and business processes to online channels in such a short term.

In times like this, digital technologies are becoming more important than ever. As a result of the pandemic, even companies that used to be “digital lazy” will now have to step up their digital game in the form of online sales, video conferencing, online document sharing, Cloud solutions, data security. Companies from all industries will experience the effectiveness of digital tools in their efforts to sustain and / or improve their businesses.

The situation we face will inevitably lead to a change in consumer habits and the way companies do business. The crisis need not necessarily be a negative thing but an opportunity to change direction.

In response to this situation, the Digital Transformation Center (CDT) of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce has developed an Emergency Support Program for MSMEs in Serbia. The Program is implemented within the German Serbian Development Cooperation by GIZ, within the Private Sector Development Project. The SPEED program offers two days of free consulting support for companies from all industries.

CDT pool of experienced Certified Digital Transformation Consultants provides direct online support to companies that have the opportunity to evaluate their current status, followed by specific tips on how to increase sales and productivity with digital technology.

The program is active since Tuesday, April 7, and an online questionnaire for completion has been published on the official CDT website through which companies can apply to participate.

Over the first two days alone, over 120 companies signed up. This strong response best illustrates how much this type of service is actually needed. Tomorrow, these companies will have the opportunity to explore ways with digital transformation experts to apply newest technologies in these challenging times, to sustain and improve their businesses.

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