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Why is administrative law important in the concept of good governance, how to bring administrative law closer to Judicial academy students and what are the next steps in judicial reform when it comes to administrative law?

During a discussion on these and other current issues concerning the reform of the Administrative Court in Serbia, answers were offered by Branislav Stojanović, Assistant Minister, EU Integration Sector and International Projects of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia, eminent lawyers Prof. Dr. Dobrosav Milovanović, Prof. Dr. Marko Davinić, Prof. Dr. Vuk Cucić from the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, Maja Josifov, Head of the administrative law group at the Judicial Academy, as well as Michael Engel, Adviser in the GIZ Good Governance Programme.

The reform of the administrative judiciary which controls the work of administrative authorities is illustrated during the discussion through a whole range of examples, some of which, such as “administrative silence in public sector”, “delayed justice as denied justice” etc. is decisive when it comes to the outcome or perception of the quality of the work of the administration and the administrative judiciary by citizens. The concept of good governance as an efficient service of citizens that contributes to the quality of life of everyone is directly linked to the reform of the Administrative Court.

With special reference to the administrative law, the authors of the analysis proposed the introduction of education on the organisation of administration (public administration entities) and administrative acts (types of administrative proceedings), on the basic principles and basic rules of procedure, on the initiation, course and completion of the procedure, on remedies and administrative enforcement, as well as on administrative dispute into the Programme of Initial Training of the Judicial Academy.

The Proposal to introduce administrative law into the Judicial Academy’s Initial Training Programme, authored by Prof. Dr. Dobrosav Milovanović, Prof. Dr. Marko Davinić, Prof. Dr. Vuk Cucić of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, is a document drawn up on the basis of research and analysis of the national legal and strategic framework, national and EU reports, as well as the Judicial Academy programme.

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