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Regular and appropriate waste management during the current COVID-19 pandemics is becoming even more important, especially as the amount of medical waste is significantly increasing even in households (namely protective gloves and masks), which is then mixed and deposited together with household waste. Thanks to the prompt reaction from the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) and its members, a series of short messages on the protection of workers in this sector and proper waste handling and management is prepared to contribute to public health protection in emergency situations.


The German Development Cooperation Project “Climate Sensitive Waste Management (DKTI)” implemented by GIZ, in cooperation with its long-term partners the Serbian Solid Waste Association (SeSWA) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS), supports this initiative and contributes to preparation and distribution of this material. On the following link we like to share the first message from the ISWA President with recommendations on how Public Utility Companies can protect workers in waste management sector during their regular activities on waste collection.

How citizens can contribute to the protection of workers in waste management sector will be the focus of upcoming ISWA message.

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