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Understanding recent significantly increased amounts of healthcare waste and the necessity to collect, treat and dispose it properly, colleagues from the International Solid Waste Associations (ISWA) present set of recommendations for public utilities on disposing of this type of waste. As healthcare waste in this leaflet and recommendations we consider hospital as well as household waste which occurs as a result of health protection measures.

The German Development Cooperation Project “Climate Sensitive Waste Management (DKTI)” implemented by the GIZ, in cooperation with its long-term partners the Serbian Solid Waste Association (SeSWA) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS), supports this initiative and contributes to preparation and distribution of this material.

With these recommendations we would like to focus more on this specific waste stream. Unfortunately, today many used protective masks and gloves often end up next to the bins as well as on the landfills without proper previous treatment and as such present possible source of infection.

Detailed recommendations are available here.

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